The past year, creating this new site and brand with the inimitable Abby Allen of Neon Butterfly, has been an incredible labor of love, dedication and--you guessed it: radical self-care! It was so much harder than I ever thought it would be to define how I see my work as a process over time-- growing, deepening, shifting. But the end result was a lovely coalescence of interests and passions that has allowed me to get clear and focused on the kind of offerings I want to give to those who choose to work with me.
I have walked the talk of asking deep, penetrating questions about where I want to take my work as I continue to learn and grow. Mine is a profession that asks of us to never stop growing, stretching, expanding to meet the ever-changing needs of the courageous individuals who step inside our therapy offices day after day. I welcome those learning opportunities, even those that get a little sticky and uncomfortable...actually especially those that get a little sticky and uncomfortable because those are often the ones that need welcoming, and patience, and presence...That's the deep dive that takes major courage.
So as I launch my site today, after over a year of hard work, I feel a swell of excitement about this new chapter in my professional endeavors. It's here that I will share with you blog posts, articles of interest, inspirations of all sorts, photos, recipes, and whatever else comes along that I feel worthy of display outside the contents of my own busy mind.
Thank you for visiting and I look forward to connecting!
Up, up, and away we go!!!!